
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Pretty, Happy, Funny, Real 3

This was the first week of summer vacation for me and the kids.  I like summer.  I like walks around the block that take much longer than they should. I like all of the spontaneous play the kids come up with. I like to see who my children are becoming, and I like the more "human" pace of our schedule.  Here's what we've been up to:

Every year a house on the next street up from ours has these amazing Moon Flowers in front.  Early in the morning these are big and open, but later in the day they curl up to "sleep."  My daughter said it looked like a vortex!  How cool is that?!?
What's summer without a sprinkler?

Walked in from an errand to find that 15-year-old "Wasabi" had painted 2-year-old "Alleluia's" finger- and toenails.  I almost put this photo under "Pretty," but something about the chubby fingers, dimpled knuckles and garish pink on a toddler is funny.

Every so often I find that 17-year-old "Tesla" has solved some problem in a radical way.  Here he's proudly converted his pocketless shorts into shorts with pockets!  


  1. Such cute little hands. Don't they grow up so fast. I am always amazed at how much our hands change through the years.
    Blessings, Dawn

  2. I'm supposedly grown up and I still love to run through to sprinkler!
